Sprache: ns
NARA; RG 59, 800.515, Box 3276
Information Unabhängige Experkommission Schweiz-Zweiter Weltkrieg (UEK) (UEK)
Info UEK/CIE/ICE ( deutsch français italiano english):

Keine Entry-Nummer.

RG 95, 800.515 Box 3276, Miscellaneous State Dept. Files The first documents concern the deliberations for the Bretton Woods conference, establishing the IMF and World Bank. There seems to have been little if any consideration of Swiss participation in the meetings.  The participating countries were limited to the United Nations, and several multilateral organizations (ILO, UNRRA, the Food and Agricultural Organization, and the Economic Section of the League of Nations).
Hinweis des US-Teams der UEK: "I'm afraid the documents on Bretton Woods really have no entry number. Their correct citation is RG 95, 800.515, Box 3276."

RG 95, Box 3276, 800.515 Miscellaneous State Dept. Files.

verschiedene Dokumente


über die Einladung zur Konferenz von Bretton Woods (Brief Acheson an Stettinius 8.6.1944, s.a. AfZ FD Durrer 4.4.2: Frage der Einladung der neutralen Staaten: "Any consideration of neutral countries involves the question of Argentina, which I do not think should be raised at this time."
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