Langue: ns
NARA; RG 59, Entry 670, Boxes 2 und 5
Info Commission Indépendante d'Experts Suisse-Seconde Guerre Mondiale (CIE) (UEK)
Info UEK/CIE/ICE ( deutsch français italiano english):

Entry 670: Records of Under Secretary Dean Acheson - Records pertaining to Economic Warfare 1941-1944

Title Box 2: Board of Economic Warfare - Minutes of Meetings, beginning 1-1-43;
Board of Economic Warfare - Minutes of Meetings of EDB and BEW, Reports, etc. filed at meetings (Bradsher 622)

Title Box 5: Sweden, Switzerland, Uruguay (Bradsher 623)

RG 59, Entry 670, Boxes 2 and 5. The files were not very useful for our purposes, with no clear picture of US policy toward Switzerland.
Box 2, Minutes of Board of Economic Warfare meetings folder 11/12/42-7/15/43, trade policy toward Sweden, testimony of Milo Perkins, director of BEW, before Congress.
(particularly relevant are the minutes from May 6, 1943, when Winfield Riefler, who headed the Economic Warfare Department in London was present)

einzelne Dokumente zu Box 2:

Board of economic Warfare, Office of Economic Warfare Analysis: Trade Policy toward Sweden. A Summary of the Essential Facts on Sweden's Relations with the Enemy and with the Area outside the Blockade. Revised Version, November 3, 1942 [3.11.1942]


5 Seiten; [Anhang (ca. 14 Seiten nicht kopiert)].

Verfasser [?], Trade Policy toward Sweden, 5.11.1942


Protokoll des Meeting of the Board of Economic Warfare, 11.11.1942


Über die schwedische Handelspolitik.

Protokoll des Meeting of the Board of Economic Warfare, 27.11.1942


nicht relevant.

Protokoll des Meeting of the Board of Economic Warfare, 17.12.1942


nicht relevant [?].

Protokoll des Meeting of the Board of Economic Warfare, 31.12.1942


über Bolivien.
über Dollar Balance.
nicht relevant [?].

Protokoll des Meeting of the Board of Economic Warfare, 11.2.1943


nicht relevant.

Protokoll des Meeting of the Board of Economic Warfare, 25.2.1943


nicht relevant.
Thema: "Shipping to other American Republics".
nicht relevant.

Protokoll des Meeting of the Board of Economic Warfare, 11.3.1943


Thema u.a.: Lieferungen an Neutrale Länder (erwähnt werden aber nur Spanien, Portugal oder Türkei)
nicht relevant.

Protokoll des Meeting of the Board of Economic Warfare, 6.5.1943


Winfield Riefler ist anwesend. Man diskutiert länderweise: Schweden, Schweiz, Portugal und Spanien.
Zur Schweiz: kurzer Überblick über die Verhandlungen (Schweiz-Alliierte, Schweiz-Deutschland. "Discussion developed the fact that Switzerland was supplying things of material value to Germany, that goods going through the blockade were of importance and that certain supplies which we were receiving from Switzerland were of great imprtance. The only direct leverage was that of food supplies.
It was clear that the situation with reference to Switzerland is worse than it has been at any time, with the next move being up to the Swiss."

Protokoll des Meeting of the Board of Economic Warfare, 20.5.1943


Harte Linie der Alliierten (im Gegensatz zu den Exilregierungen) in der Frage der Relief Shipments trough the blockade to enemy or neutral countries.

Protokoll des Meeting of the Board of Economic Warfare, 3.6.1943


nicht relevant.

Protokoll des Meeting of the Board of Economic Warfare, 17.6.1943


Statement von Perkins vor dem House Appropriations Committee am 1.6.1943 wird besprochen (siehe folgendes Dokument).
Über den schwedischen Handel.
nicht relevant.

Introductory statement by Milo Perkins, Exucutive Director of the Board of Economic Warfare, before the House Appropriations Committee on June 1, 1943 [1.6.1943]


"[...], I want to review the general background of our operations on the economic warfare front as we take stock some seventeen months after Pearl Harbor."
Guter Überblick, auch über die Zusammenarbeit mit Grossbritannien.

Protokoll des Meeting of the Board of Economic Warfare, 1.7.1943


Uber den portugiesischen Handel; über Schweden.

Protokoll des Meeting of the Board of Economic Warfare, 15.7.1943


nicht relevant [?].
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