Langue: ns
PRO, FO 371, 24540 (Swiss Railways)
Info Commission Indépendante d'Experts Suisse-Seconde Guerre Mondiale (CIE) (UEK)
Info UEK/CIE/ICE ( deutsch français italiano english):

Dossier besteht nur aus einer Briefkopie des britischen Generalkonsulats, Basel, an Kelly, britische Gesandtschaft, Bern, über den Wagenbestand und den Transitverkehr im Jahr 1939. Wortlaut des Briefes, der ans FO nach London weitergeschickt wurde:
"British Consulate-Generale, Basel, 30th January 1940
I have the honour to report that in a lecture given on the Swiss railways before the Statistical Economic Society in Basle on January 29th by the general manager, Dr .Meile, the lecturer stated that at the present time there were 12.000 foreign goods railway wagons in Switzerland against 5.000 Swiss wagons in foreign countries. Nevertheless, in view of the general uncertainity, 680 new wagons had been ordered and the purchase of a further 850 was contemplated.
2. Dr. Meile added that goods traffics had increased in 1939 by 21.9% owing to war supplies and the reduction of motor transport. Through traffic from Germay to Italy had increased somewhat, while that form Italy to Germany was declining slightly.
3. The financial results of the railways for 1939 were a net profit of a few million francs.
I have the honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient, humble servant, L.M. Robinson"

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