Lingua: ns
PRO FO 371, 27013 (Swiss economic co-operation with Germany)
Info Commissione Indipendente d'Esperti Svizzera-Seconda Guerra Mondiale (CIE) (UEK)
Info UEK/CIE/ICE ( deutsch français italiano english):

Kelly an FO, 23.7.1941, bzw. 24.7.1941: Kelly informiert über das neue Deutsch-Schweizerische Abkommen, welches für Grossbritannien ungünstig sei:
"It is clear that actual concessions obtained are virtually of minor interest to us and that agreement, while securing certain advantages for Switzerland and for Germany takes little account of Allied requirements or economic warfare standpoint.
I have seen Federal Councillor for Foreign Affairs yesterday and will see him again today and will telegraph seperately reviewing possibilities of counter-action.
Please inform Ministry of Economic Warfare."

WAR CABINET DISTRIBUTION, from SWITZERLAND, Kelly an FO über ein privates Gespräch mit dem Präsidenten der aussenpolitischen Kommission, 1.8.1941, kopiert.

British Legation, Commercial Seretariat, Berne, 5.7.1941 an MEW, "Transport of German arms through Switzerland", 2 Seiten kopiert
Raccomandazione di citazione: Copiare
