Lingua: inglese
Oliver Rathkolb (Hrsg.), Revisiting the National Socialist Legacy: Coming to Terms with Forced Labor, Expropriation, Compensation, and Restitution, Innsbruch-Wien-München-Bozen: Studien Verlag, ISBN: 3-7065-1817-1, Reihe: Bruno Kreisky International Studies, Band: 3, 480 Seiten.
Referenza bibliografica (Bib)
- Commissioned History in Switzerland / Jean-François Bergier (S. 43-50)
- Switzerland and Art Traffic 1933-1953 / Georg Kreis (S. 133-144)
- Problems Regarding the Search for the Holocaust Era Assets in the USA / Helen B Junz (S. 154-165)
Raccomandazione di citazione: Copiare
