Information about organization

China/Chinese People's Volunteers
China/Freiwillige in Korea (1950–1958)
China/Chinese People's Volunteers (1950–1958)
Chine/Corps des volontaires en Corée (1950–1958)
Cina/Corpo di volontari in Corea (1950–1958)
Chine/Armée en Corée (1950–1958)
CPV (1950–1958)

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Persons linked to this organisation (7 records found)
...1951...Major GeneralHsieh, Fang
...1980...GeneralYe, Chang-quChef de la délégation à la NNSC
...1988–1992...Delegation chiefTian Sheng Generalmajor
...1994...MemberWu, Xin Jheng
...1994...MemberJim, De Fu
...1994...MemberWang, Qing She
...1994...MemberWang, Jia Ye

Relations to other organizations (1)
China/Chinese People's Volunteers belongs toChina/People's Liberation Army

Mentioned in the documents (61 records found)
18.11.19507585pdfLetterAsia Giro d'orizzonte sulle situazione in Asie vista dal Foreign Office
27.7.195360000pdfTreatyKorean War (1950–1953) The undersigned of the United Nations Command and the Korean People's Army as well as the Chinese People's Volunteers, in the interest of stopping the Korean conflict, with its great toll of suffering...
26.10.195366967pdfReportNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) The Mobile Neutral Nations Inspection Team No. 4 as a result of its observations and inspections at the airfield of Uiju, has not found any evidence whatsoever, that the KPA and CPV have violated...
17.12.195365776pdfLetterNeutral Nations Repatriation Commission (NNRC) Rapport sur les récentes attaques des gouvernements communistes contre la NNRC, la ligne de conduite à suivre par la NNRC, discutée entre les membres et les risques pour la Suisse qu’une politique...
31.12.195366966pdfReportNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) Le rapport richement illustré de photos fait état des activités et des expériences de la délégation suisse du NNSC durant les premiers mois en Corée.
1.195465585pdfReportNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC)
Bericht des ersten schweizerischen Delegationschefs bei der NNSC über die Ereignisse und die Tätigkeiten der Delegation in der Anfangsphase der Korea-Mission.
12.2.195466831pdfLetterNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) In the midst of allegations of violation of the Armistice Agreement, the Chinese-Korean side rejects the accusations and, in turn, blames the United Nations Command for reinforcing combat materials.
20.3.195465814pdfReportNeutral Nations Repatriation Commission (NNRC) Schlussbericht über Hintergrund und Mandat der Heimschaffungskommission in Korea, die Ernennung des schweizerischen Mitglieds, die Vorbereitungen und die Tätigkeiten der Kommission sowie verschiedene...
15.4.195466830pdfLetterNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) After a violation of the Armistice Agreement by the Chinese-Korean side, the United Nations Command accuses them of obstructing the work of the NNSC.
4.5.195466918pdfLetterNeutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) The Swiss and Swedish NNSC delegations describe the accusations made by the Polish and Czechoslovak delegations against UNMAC concerning violations of the armistice agreement in Korea as a distortion...