Information about Person

U Thant, Sithu
Additional names: U'ThantU-Thant
Gender: male
Reference country: Myanmar
Activity: Politician • Diplomat

Functions (1 records founds)
3.11.1961-31.12.1971Secretary GeneralUNOSur sa biographie et ses archives, cf. : "U Thant, who served as Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1961 to 1971, was chosen to head the world body when Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld was killed in an air crash in September 1961.[...]U Thant was unanimously appointed by the General Assembly to fill the unexpired term of the late Secretary-General, Dag Hammarskjöld. He was then unanimously appointed Secretary-General by the General Assembly on 30.11.1962 and was re-appointed for a second term as Secretary-General of the United Nations by the General Assembly on 2.12.1966. His term of office continued until 31.12.1971."
Vgl. Regenten und Regierungen der Welt (Minister-Ploetz), Bd. 5, 1972, S. 191. (30.11.1962-31.12.1971)

Written documents (3 records found)
12.8.196732620pdfLetterNear and Middle East The Swiss diplomat, E. Thalmann, is asked to be the Personal Representative of the UN General Secretary, with the task to establish a report on the situation in Jerusalem, specifically on the...
17.8.196732621pdfLetterNear and Middle East The UN General Secretary informs his Personal Representative in Jerusalem, E. Thalmann, that the Government of Israel promised its full cooperation. E. Thalmann is granted free access in the City of...
11.9.196732623pdfLetterNear and Middle East The UN General Secretary writes to his Personal Representative in Jerusalem, E. Thalmann, in order to express his gratitude and congratulations for producing a solid and objective report on a very...

Signed documents (3 records found)
12.8.196732620pdfLetterNear and Middle East The Swiss diplomat, E. Thalmann, is asked to be the Personal Representative of the UN General Secretary, with the task to establish a report on the situation in Jerusalem, specifically on the...
17.8.196732621pdfLetterNear and Middle East The UN General Secretary informs his Personal Representative in Jerusalem, E. Thalmann, that the Government of Israel promised its full cooperation. E. Thalmann is granted free access in the City of...
11.9.196732623pdfLetterNear and Middle East The UN General Secretary writes to his Personal Representative in Jerusalem, E. Thalmann, in order to express his gratitude and congratulations for producing a solid and objective report on a very...

Received documents (1 records found)
12.6.197036349pdfNoteXenophobia, Racism, anti-Semitism La Suisse ne juge pas nécessaire de célébrer en 1971 une année contre le racisme et la discrimination raciale.

Mentioned in the documents (215 records found)
9.196832296pdfDeclarationSocial Insurances Exposé par la délégation suisse de son action sociale sur les plans national et international.
4.9.196833727pdfMinutes of the Federal CouncilZimbabwe (Economy) Der Bundesrat beschliesst u.a. für Ausfuhren nach Rhodesien, welche dem UNO-Embargo unterliegen, keine Exportrisikogarantie mehr zu gewähren. Von der Beschränkung der Ausfuhr wird vorerst...
11.9.196832907pdfMinutes of the Federal CouncilParticipation in the United Nations peacekeeping forces (Blue Helmets)
Die Frage der Beteiligung der Schweiz an Friedensoperationen der UNO wird nicht weiter verfolgt, da sich die Departemente über die politische Wünschbarkeit und Verfassungsmässigkeit solcher...
24.9.196850874pdfInterpellationPrague Spring (1968) Der Überfall auf die Tschechoslowakei durch die Armeen der Sowjetunion und ihrer Verbündeten hat die öffentliche Meinung unseres Landes aufs tiefste aufgewühlt. Wie beurteilt der Bundesrat die...
9.10.196832151pdfMinutesVatican (the) (Holy See) (Politics)
W. Spühler berichtet vor der Nationalrätlichen Kommission für auswärtige Angelegenheiten über aussenpolitische Fragen, wie den nigerianischen-biafranischen Bürgerkrieg, die...
1.11.196832914pdfLetterQuestions relating to the seat of international organisations Au cours d'un repas organisé en l'honneur du Secrétaire général de l'ONU par le Ministre autrichien des affaires étrangères, K. Waldheim, celui-ci ne manque pas de promouvoir Vienne comme capitale...
15.11.196832297pdfReportSocial Insurances Compte rendu de l'organisation et des travaux de la Conférence.
16.1.196933738pdfReportZimbabwe (Politics) Considérations de l'Observateur permanent de la Suisse auprès des Nations Unies, B. Turrettini, concernant les débats à l'Assemblée générale sur les sanctions contre la Rhodésie et l'attitude de la...
17.1.196933812pdfMinutesParliamentary Committees on Foreign Policy Besprechungen zum Stand der schweizerisch-algerischen Beziehungen, zur Rolle des IKRK im Biafrakonflikt, zur Frage des Waffenexports an kriegführende Staaten und zur Beteiligung der Schweiz in der...
15.2.196934204pdfMinutesWorking group Historische Standortbestimmung Réflexions du Groupe de travail Implications historiques sur l'adhésion de la Suisse à l'ONU et sur le besoin d'informer le peuple, en particulier les jeunes, sur cette question. Le Groupe penche pour...