Information about Person

U Thant, Sithu
Additional names: U'ThantU-Thant
Gender: male
Reference country: Myanmar
Activity: Politician • Diplomat

Functions (1 records founds)
3.11.1961-31.12.1971Secretary GeneralUNOSur sa biographie et ses archives, cf. : "U Thant, who served as Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1961 to 1971, was chosen to head the world body when Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld was killed in an air crash in September 1961.[...]U Thant was unanimously appointed by the General Assembly to fill the unexpired term of the late Secretary-General, Dag Hammarskjöld. He was then unanimously appointed Secretary-General by the General Assembly on 30.11.1962 and was re-appointed for a second term as Secretary-General of the United Nations by the General Assembly on 2.12.1966. His term of office continued until 31.12.1971."
Vgl. Regenten und Regierungen der Welt (Minister-Ploetz), Bd. 5, 1972, S. 191. (30.11.1962-31.12.1971)

Written documents (3 records found)
12.8.196732620pdfLetterNear and Middle East The Swiss diplomat, E. Thalmann, is asked to be the Personal Representative of the UN General Secretary, with the task to establish a report on the situation in Jerusalem, specifically on the...
17.8.196732621pdfLetterNear and Middle East The UN General Secretary informs his Personal Representative in Jerusalem, E. Thalmann, that the Government of Israel promised its full cooperation. E. Thalmann is granted free access in the City of...
11.9.196732623pdfLetterNear and Middle East The UN General Secretary writes to his Personal Representative in Jerusalem, E. Thalmann, in order to express his gratitude and congratulations for producing a solid and objective report on a very...

Signed documents (3 records found)
12.8.196732620pdfLetterNear and Middle East The Swiss diplomat, E. Thalmann, is asked to be the Personal Representative of the UN General Secretary, with the task to establish a report on the situation in Jerusalem, specifically on the...
17.8.196732621pdfLetterNear and Middle East The UN General Secretary informs his Personal Representative in Jerusalem, E. Thalmann, that the Government of Israel promised its full cooperation. E. Thalmann is granted free access in the City of...
11.9.196732623pdfLetterNear and Middle East The UN General Secretary writes to his Personal Representative in Jerusalem, E. Thalmann, in order to express his gratitude and congratulations for producing a solid and objective report on a very...

Received documents (1 records found)
12.6.197036349pdfNoteXenophobia, Racism, anti-Semitism La Suisse ne juge pas nécessaire de célébrer en 1971 une année contre le racisme et la discrimination raciale.

Mentioned in the documents (214 records found)
17.3.196763520pdfMemoQuestions regarding appointing in the FPD/FDFA Die Chefbeamten besprechen während ihrer Sitzung verschiedene Themen, darunter die Staatsangehörigkeit ausländischer Ehefrauen von Schweizer Diplomaten und die Ausbildung von angehenden Diplomaten...
29.3.196733666pdfReportZimbabwe (Politics) Die schweizerische Stellungnahme betreffend die UNO-Sanktionen gegen Rhodesien hat - wie offizielle Kommentare und Pressestimmen aus dem Ausland zeigen - grundsätzlich wenig Beachtung gefunden. Die...
24.4.196732517pdfReportVatican (the) (Holy See) (Politics) Présentation de la politique extérieure du Saint-Siège et historique des relations diplomatiques entre les deux Etats, notamment durant la période du Kulturkampf.
24.4.196732908pdfReportParticipation in the United Nations peacekeeping forces (Blue Helmets) Politische und juristische Analyse einer eventuellen Beteiligung der Schweiz an Friedensoperationen der UNO.
17.5.196732314pdfMemoSocial Insurances Die erste Verhandlungsphase hat sich mit den Wünschen der in Österreich lebenden Schweizer befasst.
26.5.196733942pdfMinutes of negotiations of the Federal CouncilQuestion of nuclear weapons Entretien du Conseil fédéral entre autres sur la situation au Moyen-Orient et le traité de non prolifération des armes nucléaires.
9.6.196749522pdfNoteSix-Day War Les manifestations pro-israéliennes se déroulant en Suisse sont contraires aux principes de la neutralité qui ont déterminé le choix de Genève comme siège de l'ONU. Les représentants des pays arabes...
15.6.196754120pdfPostulateUNO – General Der Bundesrat wird aufgefordert, den Räten einen Bericht über die Beziehungen der Schweiz zur UNO vorzulegen, der insbesondere die Frage eines möglichen Beitritts der Schweiz zur UNO prüft.
21.6.196749523pdfLetterSix-Day War L'attitude des milieux anti-arabes à Genève est une source de grande inquiétude pour le secrétariat général de l’ONU. Une telle situation pourrait discréditer Genève comme siège des organisations...
22.6.196732983pdfMemoTechnical cooperation Die "Industrialiseriungsmillion" der Schweiz an ie ONUDI wurde aufgrund des chaotischen Zustandes, in dem sich diese Spezialorganisation befindet, noch nicht ausbezahlt.