Dossier CH-BAR#J1.328#2003/2#4*

Available documents (3 record(s) found)
5.11.199162019pdfReportPalestine (General) At the peace conference in Madrid, the Palestinians are sitting with Israel as a legitimate delegation for the first time. Nevertheless, they are in the most difficult position of all Arab parties.
11.11.199162097pdfReportLebanon (General) Lebanon is present at the peace conference in two capacities.It is very concerned with the Palestinian question, thus affected by discussions about resolution 242. Second, with regard to its own...
2.11.199162098pdfReportNear and Middle East It is regrettable that the Middle East peace conference will come to an end after only three days, since it will not be possible to discuss all the issues in that brief period of time. To avoid...