Dossier CH-BAR#J1.328#2003/2#5*

ArchiveSwiss Federal Archives
Archival classification CH-BAR#J1.328#2003/2#5*
Dossier title Berichterstattung über den Israel - Besuch von Eduard Brunner in den Medien Israels und den besetzten Gebieten, Hebräische Presse. (1991–1991)
File reference archive2

Available documents (2 record(s) found)
6.9.199161872pdfReportPalestine (General) It is recommended that the Palestinians should, together with at least Egypt, Jordan and Syria, put together a clear understanding about the terms of the negotiating process to strengthen their...
[7.7.1991...]61942pdfReportIsrael (General) Discussion on Israel's position with regard to the possible holding of a Middle East peace conference.