Dossier CH-AfZ NL Dr. iur. Albert Weitnauer vol. 279 (8.2) Artikel von Albert Weitnauer

ArchiveArchives of Contemporary History
Archival classification CH-AfZ NL Dr. iur. Albert Weitnauer  vol.279
Dossier title Artikel von Albert Weitnauer (1977–1980)
File reference archive8.2

Available documents (8 record(s) found)
14.9.197749327pdfLetterUnited States of America (USA) (Politics)
A. Weitnauer’s manuscript on Swiss foreign policy has not been accepted for publication in “Foreign Affairs”. Weitnauer in turn insists that Swiss history and, for that matter, Swiss foreign policy...
11.3.197749377pdfLetterUnited States of America (USA) (Politics) La défense des droits de l'homme en Europe de l'Est semble constituer un point de convergence de la nouvelle politique étrangère américaine, où viennent confluer à la fois les courants idéalistes...
6.197749400pdfReportPolitical issues Essay on the evolution of Swiss foreign policy: Even though Switzerland must seem, at first, an uninteresting country to an expert in international politics, as it is small, peaceful, with no...
6.9.197749401pdfLetterUnited States of America (USA) (Politics) A. Weitnauer’s manuscript is rejected for publication in the journal “foreign affairs” as it is too general and lacks specifics. Thus, the reader would find it difficult to grasp why something really...
25.10.197749402pdfLetterUnited States of America (USA) (Politics) A. Weitnauer’s talk at the Council on Foreign Relations was much appreciated thanks to its clarity and forcefulness. He managed not only to articulate a successful policy of neutrality, which...
11.10.197849403pdfLetterUnited States of America (USA) (Politics) The time to write an article for “Foreign Affairs” on the burning and most important question of Switzerland and the United Nations will not come for two or three years. While the Federal council and...
4.4.197758961pdfTelegramUnited States of America (USA) (Politics) Generalsekretär Weitnauer ist mit Minister Brunner in Korrespondenz über die Frage, ob die Zeitschrift «Foreign Affairs» bereit wäre, einen Beitrag Weitnauers über die in voller Bewegung befindliche...
2.5.197758962pdfTelegramUnited States of America (USA) (Politics) Im Gespräch mit Botschafter Probst in Washington zeigt sich der Chefredaktor von «Foreign Affairs» zweifellos interessiert an einem Aufsatz Weitnauers über die «new features» der Schweizer...