Information about organization

Irak/Front du Kurdistan
Iraq/Fronte del Kurdistan

Further information:

Links powered by Metagrid – the networking initiative of the SAHS

Relations to other organizations (6)
Iraq/Communist Party of Iraqbelongs to Irak/Kurdistan-Front Sa section kurde fait partie du Front
Iraq/Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iraqbelongs to Irak/Kurdistan-Front
Irak/Demokratische Volkspartei Kurdistansbelongs to Irak/Kurdistan-Front
Iraq/Patriotic Union of Kurdistanbelongs to Irak/Kurdistan-Front
Iraq/Socialist Party of Kurdistan in Iraqbelongs to Irak/Kurdistan-Front
Iraq/Kurdish Socialist Partybelongs to Irak/Kurdistan-Front

Mentioned in the documents (1 records found)
16.1.199158443pdfMemoKurdish refugees Répartis essentiellement entre trois grands États du Moyen-Orient, les kurdes ont fait les frais des nouvelles frontières à la chute de l'Empire Ottoman. S'il existe une unité culturelle et ethnique,...