Information about organization

USA/Embassy in Singapore
USA/Botschaft in Singapur (1966...)
USA/Embassy in Singapore (1966...)
USA/Ambassade à Singapour (1966...)
USA/Ambasciata a Singapur (1966...)
USA/Konsulat in Singapur (1836–1966)
USA/Consulate in Singapore (1836–1966)
USA/Consulat à Singapour (1836–1966)
USA/Consolato a Singapur (1836–1966)

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Persons linked to this organisation (2 records found)
1956–1958VizekonsulIrminger, George Rudolph
5.8.1975-9.6.1978AmbassadorHoldridge, John HerbertAppointed: July 11, 1975