Informazioni sull'organizzazione

Gruppo consultivo sull'Indonesia
Konsultativgruppe für Indonesien (1992–2007)
Consultative Group on Indonesia (1992–2007)
Groupe consultatif sur l'Indonésie (1992–2007)
Gruppo consultivo sull'Indonesia (1992–2007)
Intergouvernementale Gruppe für Indonesien (1967–1992)
Inter-Governmental Group on Indonesia (1967–1992)
Groupe intergouvernemental sur l'Indonésie (1967–1992)
Gruppo intergovernativo sull'Indonesia (1967–1992)
CGI (1992–2007)
Intergovernmental Group on Indonesia (1967–1992)
IGGI (1967–1992)
Established in 1967 as a forum for discussion of the socioeconomic conditions in Indonesia and the coordinaton of foreign economic aid. The Netherlands chaired the organization, which also included Australia, Britain, France, Japan, the United States, Austria, belgium, Canada, West Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Spain, and Switzerland, along with the World Bank, the Internatinoal Monetary Fund, the Asian Development Bank, and the United Nations Development Program. In the early years of the New Order, the IGGI had great influence on Indonesia's economic policies, emphasizing the rehabilitation of infrastructure, currency stabilization, guarantees for foreign investment, and limits on the role of the state in the economy. The IGGI provided 60 percent of Indonesia's development budget under the first five-year plan. In 1989 Indonesia received US$4 billion in aid via the IGGI, of which $1.4 billion was provided by Japan. An International Non-Governmental Group on Indonesia (INGI, also Inter-NGO Conference on IGGI Matters) was formed in Amsterdam in 1985 to discuss issues raised at the annual IGGI meeting and to marshal alternative information to influence IGGI decision making. When the Dutch suspended aid to Indonesia in the aftermath of the Dili massacre in East Timor, Suharto responded by disbanding the IGGI. A new aid group, the Consultative Group on Indonesia (CGI), which was headed by the World Bank, replaced it. The consortium's yearly commitment to supporting Indonesia's economy was some $5 billion by the mid-1990s. (Robert Cribb, Audrey Kahin, Historical Dictionary of Indonesia, Scarecrow Press, Inc., Lanham, 2004 (2) p. 192/193)
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