Information about organization

Verit Verwaltungs-und Immobiliengesellschaft
Verit Société de Gestion et Immobilière
Verit Società d'Amministrazione e Immobiliare
Verit Trust and Real Estate Company
BIB: D. Gygax: La Swiss-South African Association Fribourg 2001, e.a. p. 309, 311.[31.1.1966].
Cf. Annuaire suisse du registre du commerce, 1964/II, p. 554.
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Persons linked to this organisation (1 records found)
Delegate of the Board of DirectorsJenni, Hans RobertBIB: D. Gygax: La Swiss-South African Association Fribourg 2001, p. 311.[31.1.1966]

Mentioned in the documents (1 records found)
200114215Bibliographical referenceSouth Africa (Economy) Compte rendu:: Relations internationales, revue trimestrielle d'histoire, publiée avec le concours du CNRS, n° 113, printemps 2003. Relations internationales de la Suisse au XX e siècle,...