Information about Person

Zahran, Mounir
Gender: male
Reference country: Egypt
Activity: Diplomat • Civil servant

Functions (3 records founds)
1991–1999AmbassadorÄgypten/Ständige Vertretung bei der UNO in Genf
1991...Head of DepartmentEgypt/Ministry of Foreign AffairsDépartement des organisations internationales
...1992...AmbassadorConference on DisarmamentPermanent Representative of Egypt before the Ad Hoc Committee on Chemical Weapons of the Conference on Disarmament

Mentioned in the documents (2 records found)
18.7.199161935pdfReportEgypt (General) With regard to a peace conference, Egypt does not plan to participate in every bilateral committee, but will support the Palestinians if necessary. The focus will be on the multilateral committees,...
19.6.199261170pdfMemoGeneva's international role Die Abstimmung über den Sitz der zukünftigen Organisation über die Chemiewaffen trug der Schweiz einen nicht wegzudiskutierenden Misserfolg ein. Von 39 stimmberechtigten Staaten stimmten gerade mal...