Information about Person

Schneier, Arthur
Additional names: Rabbi Schneier
Gender: male
Activity: Clergyman
Confession: jewish

Functions (2 records founds)
1965FounderAppeal of Conscience Foundation
1965...PresidentAppeal of Conscience Foundation

Signed documents (1 records found)
26.11.199262040pdfCommuniquéYugoslav Wars (1991–2001) Under the auspices of the Appeal of Conscience Foundation and in a joint statement in Switzerland, the heads of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Croatian Roman Catholic Church and the Islamic...

Mentioned in the documents (3 records found)
26.11.199262040pdfCommuniquéYugoslav Wars (1991–2001) Under the auspices of the Appeal of Conscience Foundation and in a joint statement in Switzerland, the heads of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Croatian Roman Catholic Church and the Islamic...
26.11.199263552pdfPhotoYugoslav Wars (1991–2001) Unter Anwesenheit von Bundespräsident René Felber unterzeichnen (von links) der Erzbischof von Vrhobosna (Sarajevo), Vinko Puljić, der Patriarch der Serbisch-Orthodoxen Kirche Pavle, der Grossmufti...
[30.11].199262397pdfWeekly telexOrganization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Teil 1: Informations hebdomadaires rapides Index: [Fragment]
[x]) Treffen in der Schweiz der drei höchsten religiösen Würdenträger aus dem ehemaligen Jugoslawien, 24.–26.11.1992...