Information about Person

Blondel, Jean-Luc
Gender: male
Reference country: Switzerland
Activity: Diplomat • Archivist • Scientist
  • Jean-Luc Blondel: «Neutralité et action humanitaire», in: Refugee Survey Quarterly 26 (2007), 189-191. 
  • Jean-Luc Blondel: «Rôle du CICR en matière de prévention des conflits armés: possibilités d'actions et limites», in: International Review of the Red Cross 844 (2001), 923-945. 
  • Jean-Luc Blondel: «Cooperation between National Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross: an essential and demanding partnership», in: International Review of the Red Cross 323 (1998), 197-204. 
  • Jean-Luc Blondel: Les ventes d'armes. Une question morale?, Genf 1983. 

  • Functions (9 records founds)
    8.1982-3.1984DelegateIKRK/Delegation in El Salvador
    5.1984–10.1985ChefICRC/Delegation in Israel and the Occupied TerritoriesChef de la Mission à Jérusalem
    12.1985-12.1987BeraterICRC/Division for the National Societies and for Policy
    1.1988-12.1989Deputy managerICRC/Division for Policy and Cooperation within the Movement
    1.1988-12.1991ChefICRC/Division for Policy and Cooperation within the Movement
    1.1991-6.1996DelegateICRC/Regional Delegation in Argentine
    7.1996-12.2002ChefICRC/Division for Policy and Cooperation within the Movement
    1.2009-12.2012DirectorService international de recherches
    2013...ChefICRC/Archives and Information Management Division

    Mentioned in the documents (1 records found)
    12.8.199365203pdfEnd of mission reportChile (General) In den Jahren des Übergangs hin zu einem demokratischen System versuchte die Schweiz Chile Beachtung zu schenken und den Willen zu enger Zusammenarbeit zu bekunden. Ein Mischkredit wurde gewährt, der...