Information about Person

Kaufmann, Emil
Additional names: Kaufmann, Emile

Functions (3 records founds)
DirectorAlusuisseCf. Annuaire suisse du registre du commerce - Schweizerisches Ragionenbuch, éd. de 1946, p. 1488-1489. Cf. Who's Who in Switzerland. Zürich 1952. p. 269.
MemberRotary ClubCf. Who's Who in Switzerland. Zürich 1952. p. 269.
MemberDelegation of Switzerland to the OECDCf.E 7111(A)1, vol. 46, Liste des délégués suisses dans les Comités de l'OECE à Paris en 1952, Comité des métaux non-ferreux

Mentioned in the documents (1 records found)
24210Information Independent Commission of Experts Switzerland-Second World War (ICE)23 - ICE: IG Farben - Interhandel Info UEK/CIE/ICE ( deutsch français italiano english):
