Information about Person

Abt, Roman
Additional names: Abt-Moser, Heinrich Roman
Gender: male
Relations to other persons:

Abt, Roman is not identical to Abt, Roman

Functions (3 records founds)
President of the Board of DirectorsAlbiswerk Zürich A.G.en 1943, Cf. Annuaire suisse du registre du commerce - Schweizerisches Ragionenbuch: éd. de 1943, p. 1522.
1919-1942MemberNational CouncilCf. Gruner, Assemblée fédérale 1848-1920, I, 1966, p. 637-638
1937-1942Member of the Board of DirectorsSwiss Bank CorporationCf. Hans Bauer: Société de Banque Suisse. Bâle, 1972, p.479,

Mentioned in the documents (11 records found)
200515085Bibliographical referencePolitical issues Compte rendu dans Le Temps (Xavier Pellegrini, samedi 24.9.2005 ).