Information about Person

Egli, Hans Werner
Additional names: Egli, H. W.
Gender: male
Reference country: SwitzerlandUnited Kingdom
Activity: Journalist
Title/Education: Dr. iur.

Functions (3 records founds)
1926–1974KorrespondentNZZin London: 1926 - 1940 Wirtschaftkorrepondent, 1940 - 1951 Hauptkorrespondent, 1951 - 1970 Wirtschaftkorrepondent, 1970 - 1974 Ferien-Stellvertretung
1947–1956PresidentNew Helvetic Society/London Group
...1973...PresidentFederation of Swiss Societies in the United Kingdom

Mentioned in the documents (2 records found)
5.3.195310216pdfMinutesUnited Kingdom (Others) During a meeting of the Presidents of various Swiss associations in Great Britain a proposed youth centre, an appeal for flood victims in London and the question, whether the Colony should send an...
19.2.197438761pdfMemoSwiss citizens from abroad
Tour d'horizon des points qui intéressent les Suisses de l’étranger: la loi sur les droits politiques, leur consultation lors de la conclusion d'accords de double imposition et les moyens de les...