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Documents mentioning this place (617 records found)
18.7.199161935pdfReportEgypt (General) With regard to a peace conference, Egypt does not plan to participate in every bilateral committee, but will support the Palestinians if necessary. The focus will be on the multilateral committees,...
19.7.199161936pdfReportEgypt (General) Discussion with the Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak, on the strategies of the Arab states and Israel with regard to holding a peace conference, as well as on various developments in the Middle East...
19.7.199161940pdfReportJordan (General) With regard to a peace conference, Jordan would prefer negotiations under UN auspices to separate bilateral talks between Israel and Arab countries. However, the Palestinian problem is a question of...
23.7.199161934pdfReportLebanon (General) Lebanon is willing to participate in a solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, but cannot engage in such negotiations with Israel alone. The increasing stabilisation of the government undermines the...
24.7.199161870pdfLetterNear and Middle East Le représentant spécial du Secrétaire général des Nations Unies pour le Moyen Orient, Edouard Brunner, a effectué une tournée qui l’a successivement amené en Israël, en Jordanie, en Égypte, en Syrie...
26.7.199161941pdfReportIsrael (General) According to the Labour opposition in Israel, the policies of the present government are catastrophic and are creating a situation similar to that in Yugoslavia, Lebanon and Ireland. Gaza belongs to...
31.7.199161945pdfReportLebanon (General) Lebanon is interested in separating UN Security Council resolution 245 from the rest of the peace talks on the Middle East. There is no reason for the south of the country to remain occupied by...
2.8.199158601pdfTelexEgypt (General) Gespräch über die Möglichkeiten einer Nahostkonferenz und die Kandidatur von Boutros Boutros-Ghali für das Amt des UNO-Generalsekretärs sowie über einen ausstehenden Nationalisierungsfall in Ägypten,...
2.8.199161944pdfReportIsrael (General) Israel is willing to talk to the Palestinians at any time as well as to the other parties if they are genuinely ready to meet. Israel is very much in favor of bilateral talks over the issue of...
12.8.199160402pdfTelexOperation «Grand Nettoyage» (1990–1991) Il est demandé au Secrétaire général de faire de l'ONU un instrument au service des peuples opprimés et en souffrance et non pas un faux témoin aux mains des puissances d'occupation et de...