Information about Person

Dürig, Hans
Additional names: Duerig, Hans
Initials: DGDH
Gender: male
Reference country: Switzerland
Activity: Diplomat


Functions (5 records founds)
...1984...Consular officerFDFA/State Secretariat/ProtocolBüro: Bg 102.
...1988-1989...ConsulSwiss Embassy in Washington
3.8.1990–1994...ConsulSchweizerisches Generalkonsulat in Sao Paulo
9.5.2001–31.12.2006Consul GeneralConsulate General of Switzerland in Dresden
11.1.2010...Consul GeneralConsulate General of Switzerland in Stuttgart

Mentioned in the documents (2 records found)
6.198452674pdfWorkplanWork plans of the divisions and services of the FPD/FDFA and the FDEA Arbeitsplan der Politischen Direktion und ihre Sektionen und Dienste des Eidg. Departements für auswärtige Angelegenheiten.

Plan de travail de la Direction politique et de ses sections et...
1.1.198854743pdfWorkplanWork plans of the divisions and services of the FPD/FDFA and the FDEA Plan de travail du service économique et financier de l'Ambassade de Suisse à Washington.