Language: German
29.5.1991 (Wednesday)
Nr. 1068. Internationale Energie-Agentur (IEA) in Paris - Tagung des Verwaltungsrates auf Ministerebene vom 2./3.6.1991
Minutes of the Federal Council (PVCF)
An der bevorstehenden IEA-Ministerkonferenz interessieren aus schweizerischer Sicht v.a. die Kapitel über die Krisenvorsorge, die Diversifizierung des Energieangebots, die rationelle Energienutzung sowie Energie und Umwelt. Die formulierte Haltung der Schweiz gilt als Richtlinie für die schweizerische Delegation.

Darin: Gemeinsamer Antrag des EVED und des EVD vom 22.5.1991 (Beilage).
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Energy and raw materials

Multilateral relations Environmental issues Crude oil and natural gas



Delegation of Switzerland to the OECDDETEC/Swiss Federal Office of EnergyEU/European CommissionEuropean Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentFDEA/Federal Office for National Economic SupplyFDEA/Federal Office of Foreign Economic AffairsFDEA/FOFAE/International Energy Issues, IEAFDF/Federal Personnel OfficeFDFA/State Secretariat/Directorate of Political Affairs/Political Division V/Economic and Financial ServiceFederal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and ResearchFederal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy, and CommunicationsG-24 (Eastern Europe)IAEA/Board of GovernorsIEA/Governing BoardIEA/Ministerial MeetingIntergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeInternational Energy AgencyInternational Monetary FundUN/United Nations Conference on Environment and DevelopmentWBG/WB/International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Geographical terms