Language: English
25.4.1919 (Friday)
Memorandum (aide-mémoire) (M)
Swiss military neutrality and its potential conflict with the Covenant of the League of Nations is discussed as well as the possibility for Geneva to become the seat of the League of Nations.
How to cite: Copy

Printed in

Jacques Freymond, Oscar Gauye (ed.)

Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland, vol. 7-I, doc. 355

volume link

Bern 1979

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How to cite: Copy
Cover of DDS, 7-I
Sacha Zala, Marc Perrenoud (éd.)

La Suisse et la construction du multilatéralisme, vol. 2. Documents diplomatiques suisses sur l'histoire de la Société des Nations 1918–1946, vol. 14, doc. 8

volume link

Berne 2019

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How to cite: Copy
Cover of QdD, 14

2 repositories


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