Language: German
4.5.1948 (Tuesday)
Minutes (PV)very confidential
Séance commune des Commissions des Affaires étrangères du Conseil national et du Conseil des Etats sur le rapport de W. Stucki sur la Conférence de la Havane
File reference: o.B.
How to cite: Copy

2 repositories



Conference on Trade and Employment in Havana and GATT follow-up meetings (1947–1961)

UN (Specialized Agencies) UNO – General Economic relations Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council Foreign Affairs Committee of the Council of States Parliament GATT


Antognini, Antonio (1893–1972)Boerlin, Ernst (1905–1975)Bringolf, Walther (1895–1981)Clayton, William L. (1880–1966)Favre, Antoine (1897–1974)Flükiger, Ernst (1884–1953)Funk, Walther Emanuel (1890–1960)Holenstein, Thomas (1896–1962)Klaus, Gottfried (1899–1963)Lachenal, Adrien (1885–1962)Lardelli, Albert (1888–1959)Locher, Armin (1897–1967)Lusser, Augustin (1896–1973)Malche, Albert (1876–1956)Marshall, George Catlett (1880–1959)Mouttet, Henri (1883–1975)Oeri, Jakob Albert (1875–1950)Oprecht, Hans (1894–1978)Perrin, Tell (1879–1958)Petitpierre, Max (1899–1994)Renold, Karl (1888–1959)Robert, René (1884–1955)Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (1882–1945)Schümperli, Rudolf (1907–1990)Smuts, Jan Christiaan (1870–1950)Speiser, Ernst (1889–1962)Stucki, Walter Otto (1888–1963)Troillet, Maurice (1880–1961)Truman, Harry S. (1884–1972)Wahlen, Friedrich Traugott (1899–1985)Wick, Karl (1890–1969)Zust, Franz Karl (1895–1980)


Geographical terms